How do you set effective goals for your team, to motivate them to deliver outstanding work? 🎯

September 25, 2023

How do you set effective goals for your team, to motivate them to deliver outstanding work? 🎯

Employees whose managers involve them in goal setting are 3.6x more likely to be engaged, but only 2 in 10 employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work. Effective goal setting can motivate employees to become top performers. 🚀

So, how do you set clear goals with your team members? Try using the FAST method:

(F)requently discussed: Involve team in a discussion to set (and re-set) goals and review frequently.

(A)mbitious: Pick goals that are challenging(but not impossible) to achieve.

(S)pecific: Translate broad goals into concrete tasks that are measurable.

(T)ransparent: Share your goals with the team and the wider company.

Bonus tip! 💡

If a team member is confused by what a goal means, chances are they aren’t alone. Don’t be afraid to ask, “Can anyone explain that back in your own words?” to benefit the whole team’s understanding.

#TeamLeads #GoalSetting #Teamwork #Momentum #HighTeamPerformance  


